Role of a sales manager in increasing income of a fitness club
Role of a sales manager in increasing income of a fitness club
It is a common situation for many fitness clubs, when the owner, after opening his/her pet project and creating a certain customer base (somewhat of regular customers), begins to act depending on the circumstances: some customers come, grosses are enough to pay rent, taxes and wages for the personnel, even a little remains to himself/herself. Service promotion works step-by-step, there are advertisements in mass media, sometimes there are videos on TV about club services, also information about services is broadcasted by radio, there are even several outdoor advertisements in the city – all this in total attracts new customers, but the customer base does not increase, as customers do not stay in this club for long, they just leave.
How to increase sales in a fitness club
Often decrease in sales in a fitness club, haunting its owners, results not from specific nature of the service market, but from errors committed yet when starting business. The source of problems in club promotion is often poor selection of personnel. How can mistakes be avoided when hiring personnel?
Fitness center management – fitness manager
If at the end of the last century (in 90s) any athlete could easily become a director, nowadays modern fitness business specifies its own demands and requires certain level of qualification from fitness managers.
Almost none fitness center can operate without a fitness manager. Experts argue as to whether fitness center manager should possess certain qualities and as to which ones exactly. Some claim that he/she should be a thinker, while others say that he/she should have leadership qualities. Whatever they say, but a professional manager should have one main quality – management skills.
Once a fitness center is created, there is a need for management. Modern manager has to implement certain goals, his/her main function is to manage fitness center (control and administration).